The American Academy of Pediatrics, through the hard work of Dr. S. Andrew Spooner, has organized a set of live Internet links which are available on the Pediatrics In Review web site and throughout the AAP’s Website. Below are links to other interesting sites. We use the same icons as the AAP to indicate the content of the link.
Medical Journals:
Archives of Diseases in Childhood
- This website was designed by Bernard A. Cohen, M.D., Division of Pediatric Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Christoph U. Lehmann, M.D., Division of Neonatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, for educational use by health care professionals, parents and patients. There are currently over 3500 images, 847 diagnoses and 70 categories in the database.
- This site is effectively an up-to-date medical encyclopedia on-line, with hyperlinks to current references. Formerly at a cost, the site is now free.
Emedicine Home Page
- This new innovation on the web contains full medical texts (under constant revision), peer reviewed, edited and displayed on-line with pictures and tables. Last revision dates are clearly shown.
General Pediatrics
- Described in Pediatric News as “a cheat sheet for pediatricians cruising the web”, Dr. Donna D’Alessandro, a general pediatrician in Iowa City, has compiled an organized list of medical links (including some of those listed
on this page) which are all free. There are sections for professionals and for patients. Injury Prevention
- Published by the British Medical Journal Publishing Group, this site is open access to raise the profile of injury prevention and to provide a resource for injury prevention for workers worldwide.
Journal Watch – Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
- Physician-authored summaries and commentaries from the publishers of The New England Journal of Medicine
Medical Letter
- Some excellent summary articles published in The Medical Letter are available to everyone in .pdf format.
Merck Manual – Home Edition
- Now in it’s second version, this is a wonderful resource for home.
Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report
National Library of Medicine
- PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s digital archive of life sciences journal literature. Access to the full text of articles in PMC is free, except where a journal requires a subscription for access to recent articles. Any investigator whose research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been asked, and strongly encouraged, by the NIH to voluntarily submit the latest version of the resulting manuscripts to this site within a year of publication
New England Journal of Medicine
- Subscribers to the NEJM can now get the last five years of every article and picture on the Internet.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
- This database, maintained by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information and the Johns Hopkins University, is an online catalog of human genes and genetic disorders, containing more than 9000 entries that can be searched for by using keywords. For each condition listed, users can access information about the disorder’s biochemistry, pathology, diagnosis, and molecular genetics. Included are references that link the user directly to the US National Library of Medicine’s MEDLINE database for further references.
Pediatrics On-Line
- Pediatrics and Pediatric Electronic Pages. Full access to the articles are available to subscribers of the printed journal.
Pediatric Supersite
- Includes links to Infectious Diseases in Children and Pediatric Annals.
Public Health Image Library
U.S. National Library of Medicine
- Medline for everybody.
Vaccine Fact-Finder
- Produced by Facts and Comparisons, this is an online vaccine/immunization fact finder with links to many reliable resources on vaccines.
Medical Organizations and Interests:
ABCs of Safe and Healthy Child Care
- An especially useful part of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s site, this section focuses on childhood diseases. Although geared toward child-care professionals, the information can be of general interest to parents. It features more than 40 fact sheets covering diseases and conditions from asthma to yeast infection. Each 1-page fact sheet is clearly written.
This site, by The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, is a webpage with health games and health information designed for children.
Addiction Library
- is part of the USA Addiction Treatment Partnership, a Florida registered non-profit. Their web site has compiled a large list of all types of substances, and medications that are available.
Addiction Treatment and Recovery –
- Drugs of Abuse: Interactive Exploration of Drug Effects on the Body
- 20 Secret Signs of Addiction
- Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction
- Overdose Emergency: How to Identify One and What to Do
- 7 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts
- Addiction in the Waiting Room: How to Go to the Doctor in Sobriety
- 10 Things I Wish I Knew at the Beginning of Sobriety
- Helping an Adult Family Member or Friend with a Drug or Alcohol Problem
- Boundaries with Teens: How to Address Alcohol and Drug Issues
AIDS/HIV Treatment Information Service (ATIS)
- This site, a joint effort of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation has been maintaining an online posting of HIV treatment guidelines since 1998. The files can be obtained in HTML or PDF format.
Alternative Medicine Database Online
- The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) have launched a new collection of 220,000 references culled from 4,500 journals which date back to 1966 and is called CAM on PubMed. These abstracts are a subset of the larger citations database.
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
- This site features 24 parent-information brochures in a question-answer format. Topics range from early orthodontic care to malocclusion, as well as x-ray use and safety. Members of the Academy can view the organization’s calendar of events, access its publications, or view a directory of useful Internet links, such as links to dental schools and foundations.
American Board of Pediatrics
- Medical Wikipedia – This collective “online memory” requires contributors to submit a CV, and all content is reviewed by specialty editors.
Atlas of Reproductive Health
- This public resource by the CDC uses technology to generate state, urban, and county maps and tables displaying reproductive data. An estimated six million displays can be generated.
- This free site includes both the hour-specific bilirubin normogram for hyperbilirubinemia risk stratification and the 2004 phototherapy guideline from the AAP. The site will return a risk zone and the AAP phototherapy recommendation when the infant’s age in hours and the total bilirubin is entered.
Birth Injury Guide
- This site tries to educate families on many different types of birth injuries, what the symptoms are, how birth injuries are caused, how they can be diagnosed, what the available treatment is, what the prognosis is, and
what assistance programs are available to them.
- Very good online source for breastfeeding information.
United States Breastfeeding Committee
- This site, sponsored by the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS), has useful information about economic, workplace, legislative and child care issues and breastfeeding benefits.
Bright Futures is a national health promotion and prevention initiative, led by the American Academy of Pediatrics and supported by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration. The Bright Futures Guidelines provide theory-based and evidence-driven guidance for all preventive care screenings and well-child visits. Bright Futures content can be incorporated into many public health programs such as home visiting, child care, school-based health clinics, and many others. Materials developed especially for families are also available.
- Very good online source about Bullying for parents, educators and children.
- For the older patients – Understanding Cyberbullying in College
- Also see The Long Island Coalition Against Bullying.
Bullying Clinical Trials
- Research opportunities on Bullying for physicians.
- An online source of information about cancer for physicians and patients.
Car Seat Information
- An online source of information about car seats. See also Car Seat Safety.
Provides vital guidance and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy. Included on this site is information on Cerebral Palsy and Bullying.
Cerebral Palsy Symptoms
- Learn all about Cerebral Palsy and other common birth injuries at this web site.
Champions for Inclusive Communities
- This site is an excellent resource for anyone caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Children’s Grief Center
- The Barr-Harris Center serves children who have lost a parent through death, divorce, or abandonment.
- Clinical Trials – There is a growing effort to help people find and interpret clinical trials and results on the internet. Below are a number of sites:
- Clinical Trials Database
This is the National Library of Medicine’s registry of current clinical trials for serious illnesses, with explanations of how the experiments work and other information regarding enrolling in these studies. -
This is the National Cancer Institute’s list of open cancer trials; links to the latest results with easy-to-read summaries. - Center Watch
Lists over 41,000 active studies and summarizes completed trials. - Trials Central
TrialsCentral� provides free and confidential access to listings of clinical trials. This information about current clinical research studies helps to support informed, evidence-based decision making in health care.
- Clinical Trials Database
CME Online by Dr. Bernard Sklar
- Dr. Sklar’s site lists over 250 online CME sites offering more than 11,000 courses and more than 20,000 hours of CME for various specialties, with a brief description of each course or presentation.
Do you have the knowledge and training to save your child’s life? Always make sure you are ready to handle a life-and-death situation with the proper basic life support training. Learn the facts of CPR and become a life saver today. – From ACLS Medical Training
- Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- A cyberbullying guide for parents, this web site tries to educate parents and teachers alike on how to keep our kids safe online.
Dental and Oral Health Resource
- New Mouth was created to keep the public educated about current dental care practices, oral health basics, and how to find the best treatment possible. The medical writers and dentists provide the most up-to-date dental information in many areas, including general dentistry, pediatric, restorative, cosmetic, and orthodontics.
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- The Pediatric Development and Behavior Homepages is an independent web site created to promote better care and outcomes for children and families affected by developmental, learning, and behavioral problems by providing access to clinically relevant information and educational material for physicians, fellows, resident physicians, and students. The site may also be of interest to psychologists, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, therapists, educators, and parents. The handouts include both original and borrowed material suitable for parents. The practice section features practical information and tools to support primary and specialty practice. It includes forms, checklists, and other useful practice tools.
Screening Tools
Presented by the School of Psychiatry of the Massachusetts General Hospital, this site offers links to many screening tools for young persons’ mental health conditions.
Diabetes Files
- A blog discussing practical matters for patients with diabetes.
Disability Resources:
- Below are a batch of fantastically informative resources for families who have children with disabilities:
- Routines and Children with Disabilities
- How to Create an Autism-Friendly Environment for Kids
- Beneficial Activities for Kids with Special Needs
- Let’s Have Fun: Activities for Children with Autism
- Why My Son with Autism Needs Routine (With Video)
- The Ultimate Guide to Flying with Autistic Children
- The Well Travel Guide for Parents of Autism Spectrum Children
- Nutrition for ASD Children
- Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety and ASD
- Obesity and Children with Special Needs
- Teaching Students with Special Needs
For families and adults:
- College Assistance Guide for People with ADHD
-’s Guide for Family Caregivers
- How Caregivers Can Take Better Care of Themselves
- A Guide for Disabled Homebuyers
- A Safety Guide for Disabled Pedestrians
- A New Savings Plan for the Disabled
- Financial Assistance for Accessibility Home Repairs and Modifications
- Home Accessibility Costs
Distracted Driving – Safety and education sites:
Double Check MD
- Patients can use this interesting site to check for drug interactions and to match their symptoms with possible drug side effects with “natural language” recognition.
Drug Information for Parents:
- Parents: The Antidrug
Media Campaign - – This site features up to date information on the drug side effects of prescription and over-the-counter medications.
When Teens Have Drug & Substance Addiction – Discovering your child uses drugs can generate fear, confusion, and anger. It’s important to remain calm when confronting your teen, and to only do so when everyone is sober. This guide will help you do just that.
Enough Abuse Campaign
The Enough Abuse Campaign at The Safe Center is a New York State initiative designed to raise awareness and reduce the occurrence of child sexual abuse in the community, and create an environment where children can safely learn, play, and grow. Through free multifaceted presentations on child sexual abuse, facilitators teach professionals, parents, college-aged students, and concerned adults how to recognize the warning signs of a predator and of a child who may be victimized. Participants are also educated to reduce the opportunities for sex offenders to harm children.
The Safe Center is a nonprofit organization located in Bethpage, New York that provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault – children, women, men, elderly, and transgender – all under one roof. Its mission is to protect, assist, and empower the victims, while challenging and changing social systems that tolerate and perpetuate abuse.
The Safe Center facilitates additional workshops, such as Mandated Reporter Training, the Neurobiology of Trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and Domestic and Dating Violence. Please contact Diane Harvey at for further information on trainings or volunteer opportunities. Floods
- Children’s health in the aftermath of flooding.
Green Cleaning and Safe Disinfecting:
- –
- –
- –
…and The new WHO Child Growth Standards
Growth ChartsThe NEW growth charts are available on-line in PDF format, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Protection and the National Center for Health Statistics, and the title link will bring you to the Clinical Chart page. This link will bring you to the Individual Growth Chart page.
…and Body Mass Index (BMI) dataThe CDC has BMI tables, graphs and calculators on their web site. These are both gender and age-specific.
Health Child Resource Library
- Resource for parents by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Herbs and Other Botanicals
- This website, maintained through Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center by a full-time pharmacist, aims to publish unbiased monographs that cite the literature to bolster or refute the purported clinical properties of each
herb or supplement listed. Harriet Lane Links
- The Harriet Lane Links are an edited and reviewed collection of links to PEDIATRIC resources on the World Wide Web. The Harriet Lane Links are compiled, reviewed, scored and updated by physicians of the Johns Hopkins
University. Currently more than 4000 links to resources for parents, children and health care providers are included in this largest collection of pediatric resources. Health and Medical Games
- Children can use this site to go to a number of instructional medically-oriented sites designed for children.
How to Become a Pediatrician
- Interested in a career in Pediatrics? This web site should answer most of your questions.
ICD-9 Codes OnLine
- PMIC and Medical Coding & Compliance Solutions, LLC provide the health care industry free use of their ICD-9-CM/DRG electronic coding software. Search by diagnosis code, description or keywords right on the internet.
Stop and go buttons assure selection of codes to the highest level of specificity. Free and unlimited 24/7 access to the ICD-9-CM/DRG coding module (other modules accessed with registration). No registration or sign-on is required. No downloads or resident software is needed. No cookies, adware or spyware will be placed on your PC. Immunization Action Coalition
- One of the better items on this site is the most recent update of the “Summary of Rules for Childhood Immunization” which can be downloaded into Adobe Acrobat.
- Infectious Diseases
Food-Borne Diseases – This is the FDA “Bad Bug Book”, with information
on pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment.
Parasitology – Superb educational resource.
Immunization Registries
- Do you have a new patient who has come to you from out of state without the vaccine records? This CDC site has the contact information for State registries, many of whom will supply copies of the patient’s record to out-of-state physicians if the individual state maintains the record electronically.
- Health insurance options for New York residents.
Interactive Autism Network
- IAN, the Interactive Autism Network, is an innovative online project designed to accelerate the pace of autism research by linking researchers and families. Anyone impacted by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can become part of IAN’s online community to stay informed about autism research, provide feedback, and make their voices heard. In addition, families of children with an ASD can share information in a secure online setting and become part of the nation’s largest online research effort. As a result, researchers will obtain valuable data, explain findings, and collaborate with families and one another.
This dynamic exchange could lead to new discoveries about causes, diagnosis, treatments, and a possible cure for this puzzling group of disorders. Families, researchers, and anyone impacted by ASDs can take part in the IAN Community – a comprehensive online library and meeting place focused solely on ASD research. Visitors can learn about the latest research, become more informed consumers of research, and join in a worldwide collaboration of people dedicated to finding answers.
Internet Safety For Kids
- This site contains practical tips, useful infographics, and proven statistics. The guide tells about possible online dangers for children and aims to inform parents and teachers how to prevent them.
The Joint Commission
- The Joint Commission give accreditation ratings to health care facilities, and you can now search by location for facility accreditation by provider or service type.
International Pediatric Chat
Pediatric Development and Behavior
- Resources for both physicians and parents.
- This website is filled with age-appropriate educational material on childhood obesity, activity and healthy eating that is interactive and gets kids up and moving while they’re online. Featured in the February 2003 Pediatric
News. Kids Count
- Do you need demographic data on children for a presentation? Local and national data from the 2000 Census are available at this site and can be downloaded in Excel format.
- This is a site dedicated to Kids, with sections for parents and the professional. One of the more valuable pages is the professional links to other Pediatric Web sites.
KidsHealth at the AMA
- This site, produced by the American Medical Association and the Nemours Foundation, has several easy-to-navigate areas, including safety and accident prevention, infant development, childhood infections, and emergency care. Topics are presented in a brochure-like format with a mix of text, graphics, and figures. Readers might want to check a related section on the site that covers adolescent health:
Lead Paint
- Children under the age of six are at the greatest risk for lead poisoning. This site offers great advice for what to look for and do.
- This site has all the bells and whistles of a Health 2.0 site, including RSS feeds, which allow patients to be notified when fresh content has been posted.
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Programs
- Continuing Medical Education in Nursing information for the nurses who are reading this.
Medical Assistants
- A site that helps students who want to pursue medical assisting career. Authored by healthcare providers who have years of experience behind them, the site mainly provides information on medical assisting scholarships, career, training programs, certification and accredited schools across the nation.
Medical Spanish
- A free tutorial website for medical Spanish, with audio.
- This is one of the fastest growing Internet providers of medical information. Once you register, you can access breaking medical news, career information, and specialty society meeting coverage.
- This is a new online resource designed to allow Physicians, and others in the health care field to quickly and easily access the vast amount of valuable information available on the World Wide Web.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
- Do you remember the missing persons campaign on milk cartons? This is the web presence of the same group established in 1984 to serve as a clearinghouse for missing and exploited children. They can also be contacted
at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678), and you can report online episodes of suspected exploitation at
CyberTipline. National Guideline Clearinghouse
- Launched by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the AMA, and the American Association of Health Plans in January of 1999, this site hopes to catalogue hundreds of guidelines published by peer-reviewed organizations in a searchable database for reference by health professionals.
National Immunization Information Network
- A coalition of the AAP, The Infectious Disease Society of America, The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the American Nurses Association dedicated to providing education and communications about immunizations issues.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Produced by a unit of the US National Institutes of Health, this site focuses on research in pediatrics and human development and lists information on intramural and extramural programs. It also lists National Institute
of Child Health and Human Development-sponsored scientific conferences. A neonatal reviews section is provided by the Cochrane Neonatal Collaborative Review Group and includes a series of meta-analyses of the neonatal literature. This site also includes a useful patient-information section advising users of current clinical trials being conducted at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center and instructing them on how they may inquire about becoming study participants.
Newborn Screening by State
- This is a good resource for both parents and pediatric clinicians about newborn screening in different states.
- A site that helps students who want to pursue career as a Registered Nurse. Authored by healthcare providers who have years of experience behind them, the site mainly provides information on nursing careers, training programs, certification and accredited schools across the nation and New York.
Nursing, Licensed Practical
- A site that helps students who want to pursue career as a Licensed Practical Nurse. This site is one of the best resources on the internet for LPN information.
- Obesity Resources:
Resources for Pediatricians:
- AAP Recommendations
- Pediatric/Adolescent Publications from the NY
State Department of Health
Resources for Pediatricians and Patients:
Parenting Activities:
- – Gardening at home with kids
– Motivating kids to be active - – Internet Safety for Teens
- This site from the University of Michigan’s Heath center and the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital offers links to the Pediatric Advisor information sheets from Barton Schmitt.
Pediatric Clinical Trials
- This site from the NIH makes the process of deciding whether to enroll their child in a relevant clinical trial easier by providing information about the risks and benefits of pediatrics trials, the process involved, and advice on how to assess such studies.
Pediatric Database (PedBase)
- This site contains over 550 childhood illnesses, with information based on at least three sources.
Pediatric Videos
- was started by Dr. Melvin Koplow who asked noted Pediatricians in the New York area, many from our Chapter, to film instructional videos in areas of their expertise. There are over 660 videos to view.
- A sub-page of, this site offers a selection of Pediatric top stories on a daily basis.
Pediatrics (Medical Specialties)
Pediatric Information
- An index of Pediatric information on the Internet, courtesy of Licensed Practical
- This is a new online tool to help parents, families and friends keep children safe from harmful chemicals in baby products. The guide is produced by the national Getting Ready for Baby Coalition, a nonprofit coalition of 100 organizations coordinated by Clean and Healthy New York working to change the marketplace so all babies have healthy environments with products that nurture their growth without harming their health. There are currently over 1,000 chemicals in use today that can negatively impact a child’s health and development. Many of them are in products for even the youngest babies. Unfortunately, many parents aren’t aware of these dangers or how to find safer alternatives. Parents should have access to free and easily accessible resources that help them better understand these safer products for their babies. Designed to let you either zero in on a specific kind of product or work through the whole Guide so you can create a baby shower registry, the Safe Baby Products Guide offers information about potential chemicals of concern (“hidden hazards”) in products and what to look for when shopping. Getting Ready for Baby partner MADE SAFE offers a certification program for products and companies that meet their criteria, and the Guide lists MADE SAFE certified products. The interactive tool even includes a feature that will allows you to build an online registry, which can be valuable to expecting parents seeking certified safe products as baby shower gifts.
- “MySpace for Physicians” – Now doctors have their own online community, where they discuss everything from the latest medical break-throughs to potentially faulty drugs. It’s called Sermo, not MySpace.
Smiles for Life
- This is the National Oral Health Curriculum which contains 8 modules of free MCE. Course 2 covers child oral health, and course 6 teaches fluoride varnish with embedded oral exam and fluoride varnish videos. The site is AAP endorsed.
Special Needs Parenting Handbook
- Raising a child with special needs can be difficult, but from that difficulty is born a greater appreciation for the human spirit. To watch a child overcome their limitations whether they are physical, mental/emotional, or societal is what makes every sacrifice worth it in the end. recently published a resources guide for parents of special needs children.
Summer Safety links:
Parents’ Guide to First Aid –
- Summer Weather Safety & Survival –
- Teach Your Kid Well: Bicycle Safety Issues –
- How to Teach Young Kids to Swim –
- Red Cross Home Pool Safety –
- 7 Steps to a Backyard Playground for Kids –
- Parents Central | From Car Seats to Car Keys: Keeping
Kids Safe – - Jet and Airline Travel Safety –
- American Association of Pediatrics – Travel Safety –
- Infographic on Home Swimming Pool Safety from
Traffic Safety for Kids
- Courtesy of the Auto Insurance Group
Traveling With Kids
- Some entertainment ideas, survival strategies, and practical advice to help youtravel with your children.
Traveler’s Health by the CDC
- A frequently updated site with information on specific destinations. There is a section dedicated to pediatric travelers, and a link to the CDC publication Health Information for International Travel, or the Yellow Book.
You can also download the Yellow Book free of charge. Vaccinations by the CDC (the Pink Book)
Everything you always wanted to know about vaccines but were afraid to ask, including translations of foreign language vaccines and lists of combos not available in this country.
Vaccine Information Sheets
- Download the newest official Vaccine Information sheets in .PDF format.
Bioterrorism Resources for Pediatricians: - The AAP Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council has been hard at work developing a strategic plan for the AAP and responding to requests for pediatric input or involvement in national efforts. Some information is available at its newly redesigned web site Children and Disasters.
The National Center for Children Exposed to Violence – a web site maintained by Yale University,
supported by a grant from the US Department of JusticeInternet Links:The John Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies
American Academy of Pediatrics Terrorism site
The Biological Terrorism site from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One of the newer sites on this page is on Smallpox Vaccination and is definitely worth checking out.
New York State Department of Health
- The Vaccine For Children program in New York now requires that temperature logs for your vaccine storage facility be maintained, and they prefer that you use the following Fahrenheit or Celsius log sheets.
New York State Department of Education
New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
- Valuable information for patients and physicians.
Disclaimer: The medical information on the above web pages and their
internal links are the sole responsibility of the designers of those sites.
New York Chapter 2 has not verified the medical data on these sites.
You should use the information from these sources at your own discretion.