ADHD Resources

Project TEACH

Take advantage of Project TEACH’s free phone consultation service for mild-moderate mental health problems and for behavior health resources in your community.  Hotline hours remain expanded from 8:00am-7:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 8:00am-5:00pm on Friday.

Helpful Documents

Transitioning to Adult Care

CQN ADHD Learning Sessions

The NYS AAP – Chapter 2 is participating in the AAP’s Chapter Quality Network (CQN) ADHD Project.  There are 14 practices enrolled.  This learning collaborative is designed to help practices improve diagnosis and treatment processes for children with ADHD by implementing the AAP ADHD guidelines.  It includes 4 learning sessions; 3 of which have been held to date:

Learning Session 1

PowerPoint Presentations:

 Learning Session 2

 Learning Session 3

PowerPoint Presentations: