Chapter Committees

New York Chapter 2 of the AAP is governed by the Board of Directors and the Executive Officers.  The Board of Directors meets at least 4 times per year to conduct the business of the chapter.  The chapter committees meet at the discretion of the committee chairperson.

 In this section of our Web Site we publish news of the various committees of the Chapter. If the committee has a dedicated page, minutes can be found on the page.

Committee Chairs

Click on the Committee for more information or web page Click on the Chairperson’s name to send e-mail
Adolescence Linda Carmine, MD, FAAP
Bullying Prevention

Recent Minutes
Archived Minutes
Anti-Bullying Poster and Resources
“Beyond the Bully” podcast

David Fagan, MD, FAAP (Chair)
Mark Welles, MD, FAAP (Co-Chair)
Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics/
Children with Disabilities
Richard Honigman, MD, FAAP
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Carly Gomes, MD, FAAP
Environmental Health & Climate Change Steven Goldstein, MD, FAAP
Fetus and Newborn Renu Aggarwal, MD, FAAP
Foster/Kinship Care Robert Lee, DO, FAAP (Co-Chair)
Suanne Kowal-Connelly, MD, FAAP (Co-Chair)
Global Health

Fight Human Trafficking flyer

Gonzalo Sabogal, MD, FAAP
Sanjivan Patel, MD, FAAP
Gun Violence Prevention Jeffrey Oestreicher, MD, FAAP
Infectious Diseases Leonard Krilov, MD, FAAP
Asif Noor, MD, FAAP
Injury, Poison & Violence Prevention Joseph Abularrage, MD, FAAP

Recent Minutes
Archived Minutes

Eve Krief, MD, FAAP
Sara Siddiqui, MD, FAAP
Membership Juan Kupferman, MD, MPH, FAAP
Mentoring VACANT
Nutrition Toba Weinstein, MD, FAAP
Opioid Crisis Richard Ancona, MD, FAAP
Parents Committee VACANT
Pediatric Council Gail Schonfield, MD, FAAP
Prevention of Family Violence Ingrid Walker-Descartes, MD, FAAP
School Health Richard Ancona, MD, FAAP
Divya Balachandar, MD
Subspecialty Vacant

Ishvar S. Patel, MD, FAAP
Ron Marino, DO, FAAP



Chapter Liaisons

Click on the Liason for more information or web page Click on the Liaison’s name to send e-mail

Breastfeeding Co-Ordinator
Breastfeeding Brochure!

Archived Minutes

Lauren Macaluso, MD, FAAP
Julia Block, MD, MPH, FAAP
CATCH Co-Facilitators

The Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Program is a national initiative of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that supports pediatricians to lead innovative, community-based initiatives that increase children’s access to optimal health or well-being.
Funding is available for the 2022 CATCH grant cycle 2 for pediatricians and/or pediatric residents who plan to build broad-based community partnerships to address unmet child health needs. Download and review the Planning/Implementation Call for Proposals or the Resident Call for Proposal before applying.
Ivan Hand, MD, FAAP
Jennifer Pintiliano, MD, FAAP
COCIT Liaison/Information Technology Anthony J. Battista, MD, FAAP
Dental & Oral Health Vacant
Disaster Preparedness Contact any of the officers or
Anthony J. Battista, MD, FAAP
Early Career Physician

Archived Minutes

Saema Khandakar, MD, FAAP
Early Childhood Champion Victoria Chen, MD, FAAP
E-Cigarette Chapter Champion Sara Siddiqui, MD, FAAP
EDHI COordinator Ivan Hand, MD, FAAP, FAAP
Chapter Immunization Representative Kenneth Bromberg, MD, FAAP
Inpatient Pediatrics

Archived Minutes

Alexandra Vinci, MD, FAAP
Media Spokesperson Vacant
Mental Health Liaisons

Archived Minutes

Carmel Foley, MD, FAAP
PROS Representative
(Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, Suffolk)
Webmaster & Social Media Anthony J. Battista, MD, FAAP
Pinchi Srinivasan, MD, MBA, FAAP